April 23, 2005 |
Update on the TWX Proxy Compiled Script Converter testing..
The testing of TWX Proxy Compiled Script Conversion program is going well. I currently have five people that have volunteered to by my victim. I mean my testers. The current testers are:
Vid Kid
Uncle Sam
And I have received reports from 3 of them on their testing of the program. With the exception of a couple minor bugs. This is what the three testers stated:
Vid Kid : that is ausum .. it worked .. :)
Vid Kid : After seeing this thing work .. it should only be a tool for the elite .. hehehe
Vid Kid : lol .. I love this ..
Vid Kid : hell THANK YOU .. this is what I need .. so anything compiled can be ported to 2.05 .. and used :)
BobTheBuilder : converted a alexio photon and it worked awesome
BobTheBuilder : man now i know why vid was goin crazy on teamspeak
BobTheBuilder : thats the only script ive had problems with so far, converted about 25 now
Uncle Sam: heh yeah well thanks looks like urm on right track..great work!
The above statements were made by the people indicated. And is a direct COPY & PASTE of their full statements.
On a serious note. I am unable to except anyone wishing to test this program, that is planning to use a GMail account for contact. None of the SMTP servers that I use for my outgoing email. Are able to send to a GMail Account/Server, this include my ISP and Website's SMTP servers. Sorry about this, but you will just have to use a real email account.
April 13, 2005 |
Problems logging into the Forms
There is a issue with loggin into the Support Forums. After attempting to login, you'll receive a page that has the forum's header information. Along with the word 'Null' just below the header information. This is a bug in the Forums software. The copany that produces the Forums software is away of the problem. And they have stated that it is fixed in the next version. Which as they state will be released very soon.
Until then, the work around is to do a page refresh. And you will find yourself logged in. And at the main page for the forums. Just navigate to the TWX Proxy Group support forums after that.
April 13, 2005 |
TWX Proxy v2.05RC2
TWX Proxy v2.05 Releace Canidate 2 will be released on April 23, 2005. With this release there is more fixes for the Floating point Presision issue caused by the addition of the setPrecision command. And there will be a new script command added.
April 13, 2005 |
TWX Proxy name to change
With the release of TWX Proxy v2.05. TWX Proxy will under go a small modification of it's name. This change is required in order to make Elder Prophet happy. And to eliminate the confusion between Elder Prophet's 'Official' TWX Proxy releases and our releases.
April 13, 2005 |
TWX Proxy v2.02 Compiled Script Conversion Utility
I must apologise to everyone, about my precious statements on this subject. Apon futther review of the current TWX Proxy v2.03 source code. I have found that my previous statements. About such a utility not being possible without the v2.02 source code. Is in fact false, and that such a utility could possibly be made.
April 13, 2005 |
New Website WebPages
Welcome to the new TWX Proxy Group's professionally done webpages. I know that I'll receive nothing but poor reports from the Tradewars 2002 'Elite' players, on how the pages look All I can say to them is... If you do not like the the webpages. Then create some webpages to replace them with.
April 13, 2005 |
Problems logging into the Forms
There is a issue with loggin into the Support Forums. After attempting to login, you'll receive a page that has the forum's header information. Along with the word 'Null' just below the header information. This is a bug in the Forums software. The copany that produces the Forums software is away of the problem. And they have stated that it is fixed in the next version. Which as they state will be released very soon.
Until then, the work around is to do a page refresh. And you will find yourself logged in. And at the main page for the forums. Just navigate to the TWX Proxy Group support forums after that.
April 13, 2005 |
TWX Proxy v2.05RC2
TWX Proxy v2.05 Releace Canidate 2 will be released on April 23, 2005. With this release there is more fixes for the Floating point Presision issue caused by the addition of the setPrecision command. And there will be a new script command added.
April 13, 2005 |
TWX Proxy name to change
With the release of TWX Proxy v2.05. TWX Proxy will under go a small modification of it's name. This change is required in order to make Elder Prophet happy. And to eliminate the confusion between Elder Prophet's 'Official' TWX Proxy releases and our releases.
April 13, 2005 |
TWX Proxy v2.02 Compiled Script Conversion Uility
I must apologise to everyone, about my previous statements on this subject. Apon futther review of the TWX Proxy v2.03 source code. I have found that my previous statements. About such a utility not being possible without the v2.02 source code. Is in fact false, and that such a utility could possibly be made.
April 13, 2005 |
New Website WebPages
Welcome to the new TWX Proxy Group's professionally done webpages. I know that I'll receive nothing but poor reports from the Tradewars 2002 'Elite' players, on how the pages look All I can say to them is... If you do not like the the webpages. Then create some webpages to replace them with.
April 9, 2005 |
TWX Proxy v2.05RC Has been Release
TWX Proxy v2.05 Release Canidate has been released. It includes fixes for the setPrecision 0 bug, vanishing Sector variables bug, Sector variable content field size bug, and a change to the behaviour in the TWX Proxy Setup menu. Please refer to the changes.txt file for more details.
April 9, 2005 |
TWX Proxy Temporary Webpage is up
Well, I have finally got a temporary webpage up and running. While I am in the process of trying to get webpage(s) done professionally. Hopefully I will be placing these pages soon.