TWX Proxy name to change
With the release of TWX Proxy v2.05 Release Canidate 2. TWX Proxy will under go a small modification of it's name. This change is required in order to make Elder Prophet happy. And to eliminate the confusion between Elder Prophet's 'Official' TWX Proxy releases and our releases.
Without going into much detail. This is brought about because of Elder Prophet's own inability to work with other people, as a member of a OpenSource project. Since he only wishes to work with himself on the TWX Proxy. I have no inclinations to force him to do otherwise.
I truely hope that he does eventually does release a version TWX Proxy.
On a personal note, I'm sure that his lap dogs will give him all the support that he requires, or needs. And I do not believe that Elder Prophet will ever release the source code for his version. But if he does, it will only be because my statements here, and else were.