TWX Proxy v2.05RC Has been Release
TWX Proxy v2.05 Release Canidate has been released. It includes fixes for the setPrecision 0 bug, vanishing Sector variables bug, Sector variable content field size bug, and a change to the behaviour in the TWX Proxy Setup menu.
Post any information on any potential bug in the TWX Proxy Support Forums.
To get this release goto the Download page.
This is a v2.05 Release Canidate. With this release several bugs have been fixed. See the change log for more information on the changes. With this release all previous versions of v2.03 game database files. Will not compatible with v2.05rc or higher. This is caused by one of the bugs in v2.03 that was fixed. There was no changes made to the compiler, or command structure in the script intreperter. As such all v2.03 compiled scripts should work as is. If there is any problems with v2.03 compiled scripts. Please notify me in the TWX Proxy Group Support forums.
TWX PROXY v2.05 Release Canidate Starting with release v2.05, all Bug releases will have the Release version number, 2.0x, incremented. All releases with new features will have the Minor version number, 2.x5 incremented. The Major version number, X.05, will be incremented when the number of, and the type of, new features require a new version number.
* INTERPRETER: For the setSectorParameter command. The variable content field was set to the wrong size. Instead of allowing for 40 characters, it only allowed 10. Thanks goes to ElderProphet for bringing this to my attention, and for the correct field size.
NOTE: Because of this, all v2.03 and v2.03B13 game db's are not compatible with v2.05. Export all your game data from the v2.03xx game db. Then create a new db in v2.05 and import the game data into this db.
* DATABASE: Once you have created a Sector variable with the setSectorParameter. The moment you did anything that would case the sector information to update. Would cause all sector variable to "disappear" from the database. This has been fixed.
* INTERPRETER: The setPrecision 0 was not working as intended. As is documented in the TWX Proxy Script Reference. setProcisision 0 is supposed to work the same as previous versions of TWX Proxy. i.e. Round down to the nearest number. But, as SubG had reported, there was an issue with rounding to whole numbers. For Addition, the rounding worked as expected. But, Division and Subtraction always round up to the next whole number. While Multiplication rounded down two whole numbers. This has been fixed.
NOTE: There still is the issue of Multiplication rounding down two whole numbers, when using precisions other than zero. ElderProphet has supposedly fixed all issues with the Floating Point precision. But, he has refused all requests to send the updated code.
* INTERFACE: Tweety had stated that the options for the Logging of data to be disabled. Until such time as the user enables the use of Logging for the current game db. This is a logical behaviour, that should have already been in place. This has been implemented in this release.