TWX Proxy Pro v2.10
TWX Proxy Pro v2.10 has been released to the general public. With this releace there is the following changes/bug fixes. More... |
May 22, 2005 |
TWX Proxy Pro developement has come to an end
As per instructions that was relayed to me from Xide. I must stop all development on any type TWX Proxy helper. It would seem that ElderProphet has Xide's complete permission to do with TWX Proxy as he sees fit. Well, I would like to say to EP good luck on TWX Proxy project.
With this in mind all files have been pulled from all of the respected servers. For those that have already downloaded the program. I'm am sorry for this latest event. But, I will only be giving any support for it by email. So, if you need support then you will have to contact me by email. Or just abandone the program all together. And await for ElderProphet to release TWX Proxy.
May 14, 2005 |
TWX Proxy Pro v2.11 Interum build
I have released an interum build to take care of a possible problem with TWX Proxy Pro and the displaying of its windows. The only information I have on this issue is what was relayed to me by 3rd parties. I have yet to receive any information directly from any one that is experiencing this problem.
And this corrects a very hard to track down issue with TWX Proxy, and TWX Proxy Pro, issue of not beable to import game information exported by other helpers.
Read the changes.txt file in the distribution for more details. Visit the Download page to get this build.
May 8, 2005 |
TWX Proxy Pro v2.10 Information update
Okay, I have found the cause of the STARDOCK System Value not updating after the V Screen is listed, while a script is running. All of my test scripts was first displaying the V screen and then waitFor the command prompt to return. This was the error of my ways. The cause of the issue is the waitFor statement. It seems that when using a waitFor statement. That TWX will pause execution of the script until the required trigger text is received. At wiich point it immediately resumes execution of the script, This is expected behavior. But what is not excpected behavior, is that TWX will not perform a save of any sector/planet/port/trader information that it may already have in queue to the database. Which would then be updated to the twx's db memory cache. Instead it holds of on saving that information, and updating the db memory cache, until the next event that causes an update of the game's database.
So my recommendation is to never use the waitFor command if you plan to use any information from the game's database. And to only use waitOn or a setTextTrigger/setTextLineTrigger after having a script list the V Screen.
May 7, 2005 |
TWX Proxy Pro v2.10 Information update
I have updated the TWX Proxy Pro v2.10 Feature page to include additional information about the STARDOCK system value update by the V screen. This information has also been added to the changes.tst file in all of the distribution files.
With the repackaging done to include the updated changes.txt tile. I have also added a test script, testMenu.ts, to show the use of dynamic menus, and labels in menus.
May 6, 2005 |
TWX Proxy Pro v2.10 has been released
The latest release of TWX Proxy Pro has been reeleased to the public today. There are many fixes, changes and additions to TWX Proxy Pro. So click on the more button to find out what the the fixes, changes and addtions are. You can get the latest release by visiting the download page.
May 6, 2005 |
TWX Script Converter
The TWX Script Converter will not be released under a OpenSource license. As such the TWX Proxy Group is unable to host or distribute the program in any form.
Instead a new website will be created for the product's update, download and registration. I should have it ready within the next week, so check back for the link to the website. Or watch for it on the EIS Support forums.
May 2, 2005 |
TWX Proxy is now TWX Proxy Pro.
As previously reported the name of TWX Proxy, released by the TWX Proxy Group, has been changed to TWX Proxy Pro. This was done to allow ElderProphet to produce, and release, the "Official" TWX Proxy TW Helper. As well as to help the users in distinguishing between ElderProphet's 'Official' version of TWX and the one released by the TWX Proxy Group.
May 2, 2005 |
TWX Proxy Pro. v2.10 in testing
TWX Proxy Pro. v2.10 is currently being tested by our testers. (You can see the current list of testers on the About Us page.) It was sent to them April 27, 2005 for testing, and at the moment things are going well with the testing.
If the testing continues to go this smoothly. Then TWX Proxy Pro v2.10 will be released on May 6, 2005. |
May 2, 2005 |
What's changed in TWX Proxy Pro. v2.10?
Well, TWX Proxy Pro. v2.10 has so many fixes, changes and additions. That it is impossilble list them here, so you will have to follow the More button below to find out what they are.