Visitors since: 10 April, 2005.

TWX Proxy Pro v2.10
TWX Proxy Pro v2.10 has been released to the general public.  With this releace there is the following changes/bug fixes. More...

The download links have been fixed.  And all the links on the Download page link to the same files that SourceForge does.

      August 225, 2005

Developement of TWX Proxy/TWX Proxy Pro v2.xx
The Development of TWX Proxy/TWX Proxy Pro v2.xx has come to an end.  With the exception of Bug releases to take care of any major issues/bugs in v2.xx.

All resources will now be moved to the developement of TWX Pro v3. The current feature list and developement roadmap will be posted in the support forums soon.  Most of the changes, or features, are ones requested by actual TWX Pro users and testers. If you have a feature request then post your request in the support forums.

      August 22, 2005

Support Forums back online
After a long fight with the replacement of a HardDrive on the forums server.  The Support Forums is back online.  I am sorry for the extra amount of time the forums was offline.  But, the issues with that server were related to the harddrive starting to go  And having to deal with Windows not being able to support the new harddrive, which is larger then 137GB.

During this time I did upgrad the forums software to the current version released.

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